Sunday, March 14, 2010

5 Easy Tips to Get Rid of Gout Pain Fast and Naturally .

If you're suffering agonizing gout right now, then you'll want fast gout pain relief. Here, you'll discover 5 simple ways to get rid of gout pain fast and naturally. And you do it from the comfort of your home.

Gout is caused by the build-up of uric acid crystals in your joints. It is just one of the many forms of arthritis. Often, the first indication you have it, is when waking up in the night with a severe pain in the toe. The toe is by far the most common joint affected, but other joints can be affected too.

Apart from the agonizing pain, the other signs of a gout attack are; inflammation, swelling, stiffness, redness and hot to touch. First time sufferers often mistake these as a sign of an injury. So always consult your doctor for a proper diagnosis.

Now, not only is it vital to reduce the inflammation and reduce the horrible pain of an actual attack, it's also vital to prevent further attacks. And you are odds-on to suffer more attacks once you've had your first.

Why is this so important? Because, recurring gout attacks, over an extended period, can cause kidney and joint damage, as well as things like high blood pressure.

Doctors usually prescribe drugs to combat the pain and inflammation of an attack. And they work very well. They can also prescribe uric-acid-reducing drugs to help prevent further attacks of gout. But because these only work while they are being taken, oftentimes sufferers have to take them everyday for years.

And, like all drugs, they do have some nasty side effects; stomach ulcers, bleeding, stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, headaches, even allergies. So, increasingly, gout sufferers are turning to natural remedies for gout pain relief.

Here are just 5 of the many natural home remedies you can use to get gout pain relief:-

(1) Drink at least 2 to 3 liters of water each day. This helps the kidneys to do their job of processing and excreting excess uric acid from your body.

(2) Avoid all alcohol, especially beer. Alcohol is known to be a key trigger for a gout attack.

(3) Consume at least 20 cherries every single day: more if you can. They have natural anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

(4) Use a hot and cold soak (or compress). 3 minutes hot water, 30 seconds cold water. This helps increase circulation and relieve pain.

(5) Use a charcoal paste poultice. Mix a half cup of powdered activated charcoal with 3 tablespoons of ground flaxseed. Then add hot water and mix to a thickish paste. Apply over the joint and repeat every 4 hours say. To stop staining things, cover with a cloth or plastic bag.

There are tons of natural remedies out there. And, what might work for some may not work for others. So you need to try as many as you can find, to see which works best for you.

But, although you can get gout pain relief using these remedies, remember, you need to prevent recurring gout attacks. A key element in this is your diet. As a gout sufferer, you need to avoid high purine foods (e.g. red meats, some fish, shellfish, poultry, some vegetables, etc.) and go on to a low purine diet (e.g. essential fatty acids, foods high in vitamin C, complex carbs, low fat dairy products, etc.).

You're in luck though. There's a special gout report available online that has all the information you need in one place. It is what thousands of ex-gout victims worldwide have successfully used to prevent their gout returning. It also contains a special 2 hour gout pain relief program.

And it uses fully-researched, totally natural methods. So that you benefit two ways: (1) you get rid of your excruciating pain very fast, and, (2) you prevent your gout returning, so that you reduce the risk of permanent damage.

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