Friday, March 5, 2010

Arthritis pain treatment.

Few sicknesses and conditions cause more discomfort in day-to-day living than arthritis. Medical experts have expended tremendous amount of energy, time and money in finding ways to deal with this crippling condition that afflicts millions of people. While seeking competent medical attention is always the preferred way of dealing with the disease, there are simply home remedies that can be very effective in controlling the pain that strikes whenever one makes a simple movement.

Stretching exercises

If you are afflicted with the pain of arthritis, one effective maneuver you can institute right from home is simply stretches. These serve to warm the tendons and even the muscles themselves. A 15 minute stretch of the muscles surrounding the area can greatly alleviate the pain.

Be conservative with your movements

Arthritis pain can strike at any time but in most cases it strikes when there is movement to the joints. It is recommended that whenever you hear that you immediately stop any movements especially to the area in question.

Avoid using the joint in question

When arthritis pain makes life miserable and prevents you from enjoying the quality of your life, the most logical next move is to ensure that you stop using the joint that is affected. This gives the body time to release chemicals which alleviate the pain.

Massaging techniques

People suffering from arthritis have reported that simple massage movement along the joint and general muscle area where the pain is concentrated can go a long way in cooling the pain. This is because a massage boosts blood circulation to the area which in term brings with it pain-alleviating chemical compounds.

It is generally recommended that if you perform the above home remedies and the pain persists, then you will do well to consult a doctor's advice. Arthritis can cause severe pain and even disfiguration of the joint and muscle area in question if proper treatment is not accorded.

There are millions of arthritis sufferers in the world today. Modern medical research has also made tremendous breakthroughs when it comes to controlling and managing the disease but there is also a lot that one can do on their own to make life manageable for themselves and the above are a few of the most effective

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